The Effect of Financial Innovation, Risk Management, and Monetary Policy on the Stability of Fintech Startup Companies in Jakarta
Financial Innovation, Risk Management, Monetary Policy, Fintech Stability, Jakarta Fintech EcosystemAbstract
This study investigates the effects of financial innovation, risk management, and monetary policy on the stability of fintech startup companies in Jakarta. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected from 35 fintech startups through structured questionnaires with responses measured on a Likert scale of 1-5. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 25, employing correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results reveal that financial innovation is the most significant predictor of fintech stability, followed by risk management and monetary policy. The combined influence of these factors explains 74% of the variance in fintech stability. These findings underscore the importance of integrating innovation with robust risk management practices and aligning operations with macroeconomic trends for sustained stability. This research provides valuable insights for fintech stakeholders and policymakers to foster resilience and growth in the rapidly evolving financial ecosystem.
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